Getting my idling brain going

I would never say a idling brain is a brain ready for action.  At least not the action packed movie with exploding bombs nor the dramatic romance novel ready to leap on the page. In experience it is just another brain procrastinating. To even get start on the real deep work of following through on that creative idea. The work which makes you dig deep into all your resources allowing your mind to freely flow. A never ceasing flow of creativity and hardcore focus onto the subject of which one would fixate their core being upon.

It is just amazing at what you can do by just letting it go (yes, I just said letting it go…). How I could just type here at this keyboard for days. That drive which is necessary to immerse yourself into that creative world. Where ideas flow like water for which we thirst for and the images which hover as mirages in our mind. Mirages made real as you pluck them from their little niches in the desert of your mind. Making them real as the words and feelings that you pour into them entering through the portal. Portals for which could literally be anything doesn’t matter what it is as long as you use it to express those thoughts those ideas. Paper and pen, dance floor, and even sports can be all different ways to express those. Isn’t just thinking of the many ways you can express yourself is riveting down deep in the core of your being. Almost no one person can take that away from you.  They can’t snatch those thoughts and mirages anymore then they can see your brain without opening your skull. You can be the one person though who crushes your own ideas through low self esteem, mental illness, and negative perspective of oneself.  I would encourage you to think about this one small fact in life. Out of every animal on this planet humans have created and innovated ways to express ourselves. Beyond just flashy feathers, grunts and barks, and mating rituals, etc…

The full body of Flow as discussed by Steven Kotler in his book The Rise of Superman. Gives you a more in depth look of what Flow is and how trigger the Flow State. But, for those who are similar to me and those who may want a broken down version. Check out this link below to read more about the Flow State at Art of                                                 

And don’t forget just cause life’s test is hard and some times we fail at one thing. It does not mean you have failed at “The Test” we call Life as a whole. Also remember that someone is always there for you and your not alone No Matter what might be going thru your head. Feel free to reach out to me through this website or if you see me on the streets and maybe your a friend I haven’t talk to in awhile. Stop for a second in our proactive lives and lets talk.

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